Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday 17/7/2010 Kings Creek Station

(Kings Creek Station)
The bushman's brekkie was served at 0730hrs. It was pretty upsetting to find out at breakfast from the pilot that we wouldn't be able to do our helicopter flight as it had been grounded until after an engineer check. Bugger!! Poor Jordan and Jack had saved up their own money especially for it.
Our 1hr camel ride started at 0830hrs. This was also disappointing for me as we were just lead around the property rather than all going on a real trek (ie Leroy walked in front instead of also riding a camel). The kids loved it though.
Leroy was a lovely man. He seemed quite interested in our travels and called us the Leyland Family. He said we should be making a documentary. I told him we were making books and taking plenty of film clips which Jordan will have to teach me to piece together. He was quite interested in this as he had quite a few video clips of camels which he wished to join together to make a film for his nightly show.
Col was feeling sick today and is now on antibiotics for a chest infection (I have a great first aid kit). He spent most of the day resting or sleeping. So while Col and Jack rested, Jordan and I went and offered to do this little project for Leroy (I was Jordan's assistant).
Jordan made a great little film from Leroy's film clips, using the music he chose and of course some of our photos and videos. It was finished off with some bloopers of funny camel faces and Leroy being thrown from a camel over and over.
It was a great little film and Leroy was so excited. He invited us to his show tonight as VIP guests for the movie premiere, and mentioned us in his show. Jordan was then called away, and made a big entrance on the back of a quad bike, introduced to the audience and her film played. I think Leroy liked it. It certainly got plenty of laughs and lots of applause from the audience.
Everyone then congregated around the campfire for billy tea and damper while Leroy entertained us with whips, stories and a terrific poem he wrote that sums up the outback perfectly.
He gave Jordan his email address and hoped she would drop him a line.

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