Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 13, Tuesday 3/07/2012, Purni Bore

Such a beautiful sleep in! We awoke to a glorious day in the Simpson Desert. Bruce and Fiona had already hiked around the lake. After breakfast and a coffee Col and I (Jordan and Jack were still asleep) went for a walk around Purni Bore. Amazing, I just love it! There are literally hundreds of birds: crows, zebra finches, kites and ducks to name just a few.

I’ve decided I’m a bit of a convert now. After seeing the number of people camped outside the fence, it would have spoilt the place if there were that many people camped in here. It really is like Pitt Street along the French Line in the school holidays. I’m glad we’re not squished in along the wire fence with everyone else. I love our private swale. It’s a lovely desert walk to the lake and we still have the novelty of having an artesian fed shower.

It really is an amazing nature walk around the lake. It was created in 1963 when a French Oil company drilled through the Great Artesian Basin that is at a depth of 1400m. When finished they capped the pipe, but it eventually eroded and 85°C water flowing at 18 litres per second formed the lake. Since it was affecting Dalhousie Springs, it was recapped in 1987 causing the Lake to shrink. Since then they have maintained enough flow to sustain the wildlife that has come to rely on Purni Bore.

I did a second walk with Peter, Madison, Haley and Chelsea. Poor Anthea stayed in bed most of the day feeling unwell. Peter tripped over a branch and did well to land on his stomach, saving the camera from the sand. Chelsea slowly slid out of the baby-carry back pack onto the ground where she thought “yes, I can play in the sand!”

The Pockran family headed out for the hike soon after and it wasn’t untill later in the day that we convinced Jordan, Jack and Jessica to go over to the lake to start their “Grilled Bear” project. Suddenly they were full of life and all excited about the movie they were going to make. Madison and Michael were so excited to be invited to be a part of this little adventure. They grabbed a backpack each with food and drink and headed off into the desert.

Lisa had another packing disaster, with 2 milk cartons breaking open. We have ours in a plastic lined container, lying on their side which seems to be working well.

Bruce is busy looking at Peter’s electrical problems again. Col wants me to do his dunny photo soon. Maybe I should do it now while Lisa is modelling. There is a huge moon again. Fiona says I could “get a double moon”!

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