Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Day 17, Wednesday 13/7/2016, Ackaringa Station to Coward Springs

 It was a lot colder last night. Back down to 2 degrees C. Pack up was even quicker this morning with everyone done by 0745hrs!

Our first stop for the day was the viewing spot for the Painted Desert which is on your right, just east of the property. Just beautiful with a moonscape look. Black to orange gibber, multi-coloured mesas, and all with sunrise lighting.

We had a quick stop at River Neales where we camped last time. It is fenced off on the NE side now, but could camp on the SW side.

Next was a 12km diversion north up the Oodnadatta Track to see the Pink Roadhouse, before heading south along the old Ghan Railway route of the Oodnadatta. It was well graded and we were travelling at 80km/hr.

Col spotted some Sturt Desert Peas on the side of the road and we had a photo stop for this. There were heaps!

Next stop was Peak's Ruin, an old Ghan Railway siding, then on to William Creek Hotel for burgers and a drink.

It's $250 for a Lake Eyre flight which no-one did.

Our camp was an hour south of that on a privately owned heritage listed property called Coward Springs. There are trees, date palms, mound springs and an old sandstone museum. It's $12.50 pp (half for kids). 

The Parkes crew were set up by 1600hrs and saw that there was a lineup of nine 4WD at the gate waiting to come through. We quickly jumped into our togs and had a soak in the very small sleeper-lined thermal pool assuming it was about to get pretty popular. It's a lovely mineral soak in warm water that's 29 degrees C (feels lukewarm), and comfortably fits only about 6-8 adults. Col and I had a quick soak and then left the kids to it. Peter and the girls then wandered over, so I showed them the pool before heading off  to have a shower and wash my hair.

Leah and Gary were just finishing setup when I got out. Leah took the girls to the pool, so I went along to keep Leah company while she supervised. Eliza and Amara had made a little friend that they went in with.

The older kids bought an old railway sleeper for $10 and we had a wonderful fire for our last night all together. There were lots of mozzies. Glad we brought the Aeroguard.

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